You can click on a section of the map to see a picture of that area. This image map currently contains 19 different photographs.

view of front door from living room irritated michael walking in front of bookcases view of hallway from livingroom view of livingroom, inside wall corner view of living room with aquarium view of corner of living room view of living room with sofa view of computer room, outside wall view of computer room with window wide view of kitchen with refrigerator, door and sink view of kitchen table view of kitchen window view of range in kitchen side view of porch front view of house finished door michael digging french drain bathroom shower view of bedroom
clickable image

Pictures of the most recent work we have been doing to the house.

The story of our exciting first two days in the house.

Some other pictures include: Mike taking a wire brush to the basement walls (we didn't get a picture of mom and me washing the walls with acid).

The bathroom while Mike was working on the plumbing (the section of wall under the shower head was ripped out because it was gross).

Two pictures of Mike and my father ripping out the old basement door so we could put in a new door, since the old door was installed with the hinges on the outside (my job was to run to Lowes). The had cemented the door to the wall, hence the slight difficulty Mike and Dad had removing the old door.