Random (but not really)

Friday, March 27, 2020

E-Moore Hall Sycamore

If you weren’t aware, the sycamore in front of EMoore hall is scheduled to be taken down, along with several other historical trees on campus.


On social media I’ve seen a lot of people up in arms about this, and although I am admittedly sad, these trees are unhealthy and unfortunately a danger.

In 2011 the silver maple in front of Stewart Hall fell unexpectedly, and it was very lucky that no one was injured, and no buildings were hit.

So I thought I’d point out something that I don’t think many people have noticed: the sycamore branches have support wires–and have for several years.

Here’s a one view of the tree–if you click through you can zoom in and see several other pictures I took from different angles.


And here are three different areas where you can see the bolts that the wires are strung between.

I noticed these wires years ago, which is why I was not at all surprised that the tree is coming down. Unfortunately, for all it’s age and history, the tree is becoming a danger not just to the building, but also to people who walk around this busy part of campus.

So as much as I don’t want to see the sycamore go, it’s better to take it down safely, than for one of these branches to fall.

And on a positive note, the wood from these trees is going to the Davis College to be used to make things, which is a lovely use.

And FWIW, here is the stump of one of the two trees that has already come down.


Again, if you click through you can zoom in and see the amount of rotted wood at the core.

So, hopefully this won’t many anyone feel better necessarily about the trees having to come down, but to understand why it is necessary.

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