
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Madame Xanadu: Vol 4 Extra-Sensory

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Madame Xanadu Vol 4: Extra-Sensory (2011) Matt Wagner, Marley Zarcone, Laurenn McCubbin, Chrissie Zullo, Celia Calle, Marian Churchland

I really like the layout for this volume. We see slices from several years in the 1960s in which Madame Xanadu took part. The first several stories only have Madame Xanadu in the periphery–she steps in to attempt to help others. Sometimes she is successful, other times she fails, but I believe that is the strength of the collection. I think the first story may be my favorite, because I especially like the main character, Rosy Mays. Although racism isn’t the center of the story, the casual racism Rosy deals with on a daily basis makes her all the stronger of a character, as she seemingly brushes it off as the way things are. Not to get on a soap box, but I think that’s important to remember.

The other story I especially liked was the third story, of a little boy whose life stinks as much as he does. Again, Madame Xanadu plays only a brief part in this story, but the part she plays is compelling nevertheless.

The last part of the book focuses in part on Charlotte, a young woman whose life is changed by a single incident, and Madame Xanadu attempts to help her recover.

My only problem with the series is that I am not familiar with her character outside this series–and much of the DC universe in which she appeared–so I occasionally feel like I’m missing something. But I am enjoying Madame Xanadu enough that I don’t care.
Rating: 8/10


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