Thursday, August 4, 2011
Photo Scavenger Hunt
Yeah, I know, last week was a bust. But considering the fact that I spent about six hours in the air AND lost three hours while up there, I think I’m allowed to let it slide.
Of course, right now, I’m suffering from the cold I caught ON the flight last week, so all my ideas are things like: tissues! cold medicine! snot!
I’ll refrain from those.
Here are this week’s objects:
glasses (the kind you wear)
glasses (the kind you drink from)
the weather
I think I may end up using “the weather” on a regular basis, since because now that I think about it, I think it would be interesting to see what the weather is like where everyone else is.
Once you’ve found your pictures, post them and then put a link here. I’ll try and actually, you know, make links to your pictures this week, which I didn’t do while I was on vacation. (I’d say sorry, but I’m not in the slightest bit sorry I was on vacation.)
My uninspired entries are below.
Yes, I did photoshop the rock picture. It was out of focus, but better than the other option.