Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Hiking WV: Coopers Rock State Forest
Since Saturday was lovely, but low mileage, we went to Coopers Rock on Sunday.
I didn’t mean for our hike to be quite as long as it was, but 3:15 and 6.5 miles (closer to 8, with meandering) later, there it was.
Gorgeous day, and although the streams were all full, we avoided the muddiest trails.
Location: Coopers Rock State Forest
Trails: Clay Run Trail, Mount Chateau Trail, Rhododendron Trail, Roadside Trail
Distance: 6.5 miles
Elevation: 937feet
Clay Run Trail
At some point I’m going to remember I don’t really care for the Clay Run Trail. The first half (or even 2/3) is relatively open and sunny, on a right-of-way/maintenance road. It’s not terrible or anything, but it’s not what I really want when I’m hiking.
On the bright side, there are once again frog eggs to see.
Mount Chateau Trail
This is easily my favorite trail in the whole forest. It runs along a stream and it’s beautiful. You can take any number of trails to get there (Rhododendron, Clay Run, Iron Furnace) and when you get to the end, you can sit on the bridge and watch the water.
Once it’s warmer I plan to again start bringing my water shoes so I can hike the stream some more.
And you get zero pictures of the Rhododendron trail and Roadside trail, because at that point we weren’t stopping for much of anything.
But there is water running beside parts of the Rhododendron trail right now (and it is also muddy in spots, but not bad), which is always a draw for me.