Sunday, October 2, 2016
Hiking WV: Cranberry Backcountry
We’d discussed hiking in the Cranberry Wilderness, but I’d wanted to visit the Nature Center, since it closes mid-October. To get to the trails we’d considered, we’d have had to either back-track to Richwood, or take the Highland Scenic Highway all the way around the wilderness, so we instead decided to walk on the forest road past the boardwalk and see where that took us.
We took the North Fork trail up to the Kennison Mountain trail and then turned around and came back down.
Location: Cranberry Backcountry
Trail: North Fork Trail
Distance: 5.0 miles
Elevation: 3380-4113 feet (Average 5.6% grade)
There were a couple of steepish sections, but mostly it was a (relatively) gradual uphill hike (gradual for WV mind you).
The lower portion of the trail meandered across several creeks, most of which were flowing from the previous night’s rain.
It was really really pretty.
If you’re looking to hike in more solitude than you’ll find in busier parks and forests (like our local forest, Coopers Rock) then I cannot recommend highly enough visiting the Cranberry Wilderness.