Sunday, July 9, 2017
Hiking WV: Coopers Rock
Yesterday kept threatening thunderstorms all day, so no hiking. So today we went down to the Mont Chateau trail. The creek was running really high.
Location: Coopers Rock State Forest
Trails: Rock City, Ridge, Mont Chateau, Rhododendron Trails
Distance: 4.3 miles
Elevation: 1497-2107 feet (724 feet gain)
Temperature: 68-72 F
This is where I usually build my rock piles. As you can see, everything previous was washed away.
Much deeper water than normal. Plus MUCH colder.
Water was cascading down both sides of the split. Not fast enough to be dangerous, but fast enough for me to be extra careful.
Nature left this, perhaps in compensation for knocking down all my rock piles.