Random (but not really)

Sunday, September 17, 2006


If this isn’t a mistranslation, then the I must say that the pope is a true politician.

I am deeply sorry for the reactions in some countries to a few passages of my address at the University of Regensburg, which were considered offensive to the sensibility of Muslims.

Yes, I am quite certain that the pope is sorry that Muslims around the world reacted badly to his quotation of Emperor Manuel II Paleologos of the Byzantine Empire.

Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached

However, I’d rather read that he’s sorry for what he said. I find it difficult to believe that he didn’t consider the reaction of his words before he said them. After all, it’s not as if the Catholic church was a paragon of peace and human rights at that time. The Crusades stretched the thirteenth century, the Spanish Inquisition began in the fifteenth century.

I was initially going to ignore the remarks by the pope. After all, I don’t like him, so I know I’m likely to take things he says the wrong way. However, if he can’t even get an apology right, then I fear that my negative impressions of the head of the Catholic church may be well-founded.

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