Random (but not really)

Sunday, October 1, 2006


Here’s an opinion poll of sorts–your response to the following question is requested:

Regarding the layout of this portion of my website, I’ve always gone with the two column layout–text on the left, navigation, links, and other miscellany on the right. Primarily because I typically have used smaller monitors, and don’t like scrawny columns of text. But also because I want the text to come up first, so placing it on the left makes it come up first (this is an oversimplification. I know.)

However, CSS allows me to change the order in which elements appear, so I should be able to have the text appear first (should) and then smaller columns on the left and right appear afterwards. This would allow some of the items in my right column to appear higher up (like the wonderful picture of me, as well as the wonderful things people have had to say about me)

But that would–on some monitors–leave the main, center column rather narrow.

Plus, it’ll make the page look more busy.

So, the question is, does anyone actually have an opinion about this? If you do, in fact, have an opinion about web page layout, please share. :)


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