Random (but not really)

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Hiking WV: Cranberry Wilderness

The boardwalk is lovely, but .8 miles and flat is not a hike, so we decided to go out a bit on the Cow Pasture Trail, in the hopes there would be wildflowers.

There are LOTS of wildflowers.

We hiked parts of the other end of the trail, but hadn’t walked any of the western part of the trail.

It was gorgeous.

There are so many trails I want to hike in the Cranberry Wilderness, but most of them are long and would require an overnight stay–which we can do, but haven’t been able to do. (Because rain, work, reasons.)

Location: Cranberry Wilderness
Trail: Cow Pasture Trail
Distance: 4.9 miles
Elevation: 3347-3462 feet (364 feet rise)
Temperature: 59 F





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