Random (but not really)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hey! The Power’s Back On! Cool!

I got nothing. Have some visitor stats:

i hate microsoft
Who doesn’t?

where did japanese folk tales originate?
Wild ass guess? Japan.

acting in an unethical manner
See: Bush, President.

michelle 41
Good grief not YET! I’ve got 3 more years!

instructions chopsticks wrapper
I’d totally forgotten I had this on my website.

when washington admitted the union
Heh. And here we all thought our founding father was all straightlaced.

Now that is odd. Popbo was my name for my grandfather.

explain slime
Is there an explanation? If so, I’d like to know.

web standards microsoft
They don’t follow them. Any other questions?

pig hooey

frr gung f jul v ybir lbh.
Gung’f fb fjrrg! Gunax lbh!

dead squirrel poses
Come on, vogue!

men with red hair
Try “The Redheaded League”

rare football
Mars maybe. But between American football and the rest of the world football, it’s pretty much everyone on this planet.

Sbe inyhnoyr cevmrf!

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