Random (but not really)

Tuesday, May 25, 2004


Which internet subculture do I belong to? [CLICK]
You are a Conspiracy Theorist!
Holy cow! You actually did an online quiz? Little did you realise that the information you gave us is being sent to an unknown government agency for evil use against you! Don’t try to leave, we are already watching.
More Quizzes at Go-Quiz.com

Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]
You are a Square!
You are a total dork. The pocket protecter and thick-lensed glasses give it away. Try watching some popular TV.. Get yourself some fashion sense already! On the plus side, no wait hang on, there is no plus side! Nerdsville, population YOU!
Cool quizzes at Go-Quiz.com

Neither of these should come as much of a surprise.

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