Monday, November 10, 2008
A Murder of Crows
When Michael and Grandmom got back from the store, Michael yelled at me to look at the crows. I looked out the front door–nothing. So I slipped on my clogs, grabbed my camera, and went out the kitchen door (where he and Grandmom were coming in).
I’ve never seen so many crows before; when the traffic eased, you hear the raucous noise they made all cawing together.
I’m reminded of a story in the Sandman series, “A Parliament of Rooks.”
Why were so many crows all gathered in one place? They were circling in the sky, and perched in the top of trees, so it doesn’t seem like anything on the ground was the cause (at least I hope not, considering the sheer number of crows).
And here is a good page from Cornell about crows. It doesn’t look like crows in this area should be migratory, though I suppose it could be a group coming in for the winter. Though that seems unlikely.