Wednesday, November 19, 2008
So a post over at Eric‘s has inadvertently lead to my consideration of a very strange question.
Initial question was if crosses and holy water are effective against vampires, would vampires be safer if they moved to India or the Middle East?
But the question that came from that is whether a Jewish vampire who drank human blood would be keeping kosher.
Here are my arguments supporting the thesis they would be.
1. I believe that in a life or death situation, a Jew is allowed to eat non-kosher foods to save his own life. If a vampire could survive only upon blood, shouldn’t the drinking of human blood be okay as long as the victim was not killed or maimed? (i.e. if the vampire was polite and asked nicely beforehand.)
2. Isn’t there a difference between drained blood and blood straight from the source, so to speak?
3. Would kosher rules even apply to vampires? A vampire has died an moved on from human life. Do the rules of Leviticus even apply to the undead, assuming they still retain free will?
Anyway, just some thoughts filtering through my brain.