Random (but not really)

Monday, November 22, 2004


Ahhhh…. Break.

Still have to work, but with the students gone, there’s hardly anyone here to ask questions, and I’m sure that will be even more so as the week continues. Hopefully I’ll be able to get a lot done this week, although I may end up being distracted by the bright shiny object that is the Internet.

Michael and I both enjoyed doing as little as possible this weekend, although we’ll have to get in gear and get our papers written/projects done/studying for the end of the semester. Luckily, the only thing I have left to do it write a ten to fifteen page paper–and keep it down to fifteen pages. :)

We watched ‘Master & Commander’ again this weekend–much better with subtitles on, as it was really difficult to understand most of the dialogue. Despite that, it really is a good movie, and I highly recommend it if you haven’t already seen it.

I still like the doctor the best.

We made bourbon balls this weekend. Three batches. One to give away as a gift, and two batches for us. Yum! One year we’ll remember to make them before Thanksgiving, but that won’t be this year. But the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas has worked well for us in previous years, so they’ll still be quite delicious–assuming that I can get any this year, before Michael eats them all.

Never send a non-baker to the store to pick up one ingredient. Bourbon balls need coffee/espresso powder, and I can’t find espresso power, so we just use instant coffee. Which I forgot to pick up. So Michael ran out to pick some up. And came home with individual serving packs of Sanka.


Lastly, I’m looking for another cookie scoop. I have a very nice Pampered Chef one, but I’d like one that’s a little larger–cookies should be just a tad bit larger than mine have been coming out. I’ll have to make a decision soon, as holiday baking time is almost upon us. And I have to decide what to make this year. I’m still looking for a sweet potato pie reciepe if anyone has one.

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