Thursday, October 13, 2011
Scavenger Hunt Results: Four Letter Destruction
Had clear skies coming home, so managed to get everything today.
Bird. This was disappointing only because earlier this week I saw about thirty birds hanging out by the PRT tracks.
Those are, in fact, my feet.
Yeah, I’ve been wanting to photograph this vehicle for a looooong time.
Wind. Boooring. But the flag was nice against the stormy skies.
Ring. Random things from my desk. Which turned out blurry because for some reason I used my phone instead of my camera.
Flat. Flat land in Morgantown. Often a rarity.
Flat tire.
So. This vehicle is parked in front of or behind various crime scene houses. I’m not quite sure how they move it, but it does move from place to place within the four house area.
Yes that’s right. Out light was hit AGAIN. Sometimes I HATE living here. (It was hit during a football game; we heard the crash, but by the time we got to the window they’d sped off.)