Random (but not really)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Sunday Stroll Around Town

As I mentioned yesterday, it was a lovely day for a stroll. In fact, I saw a LOT of people out with DSLRs. It was kinda weird. But I guess we were all drawn to the gorgeous light.

These were taken around downtown. I have two other sets, both of which need processed: one of campus and… another set.

If it wasn’t obvious earlier, I love windows, and I love it even more when the light is such that they act as mirrors.

Police station on Spruce street.


Warehouse on University Avenue.



Alley off High Street


Building off High Street


High Street. (I know this picture is nothing special, but it’s always fun to stand in the middle of the street.)


Couple more pictures if you click through to Flickr.

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