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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Time Wasting
Really, really bored.
I’m a:
Your moral values are 37% absolute!
While you shy away from the idea that there is no “right” and “wrong,” you attach special weight to the consequences of actions while deciding on their morality. Consequentialists usually come in two varieties, individualist and collectivist. The former is concerned with consequences to the decision-maker, while the collectivist tends to look at consequences for a bigger group, such as a race, a species, or an ecosystem.
My test tracked 1 variable
How you compared to other people your age and gender: You scored higher than 99% on Absolutism
Link: The How Strict Are Your Morals Test written by roark26 on Ok Cupid
a Ninja
You scored 9 Honor, 5 Justice, 6 Adventure, and 3 Individuality!
You are a soldier of the night. You rely on no more than your cunning and your repuation to strike fear in the hearts of lord and peasant alike. You’ve a sense of honor, but one that comes from within, not imposed from outside.
Black clothes and shuriken for you. You’re gonna do just fine.
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 68% on Ninjinuity
You scored higher than 55% on Knightlyness
You scored higher than 40% on Cowboiosity
You scored higher than 18% on Piratical Bent
Link: The Cowboy-Ninja-Pirate-Knight Test written by fluffy71 on Ok Cupid
Indeed, you are 70% erudite, 37% sensual, 41% martial, and 37% saturnine.
Thoth, the Egyptian God of secret wisdom, intellect, geometry and other forms of higher mathematics, was also the God of books and learning, of writing and numbers. And above all, he was the God of Magic. Indeed, he was the first and greatest of all magicians, said to create miracles from nothing by the mere vibrations of his voice alone.
Within his main temple were said to be stored his books of magic which
were open for the edification of all, providing those absorbing this
magic understood its sacred content. Over the centuries, these books
were said to have been carefully translated by various priests of
secret orders until finally, the Greeks compiled them as the works of Hermes Trismegistus.
One book most everyone is familiar with which is attributed to the mysteries of the God Thoth is the Tarot, considered to be an unbound book of symbols that may be read in an endless variety of sequences imitating the random nature of existence itself.
The Fifteen Gods
These are the 15 categories of this test. If you score above average in � �all or none of the four variables: Dagda. �
Erudite: Thoth. �
Sensual: Frey. �
Martial: Mars. �
Saturnine: Mictlantecuhtli. �
Erudite & Sensual: Amun. �
Erudite & Martial: Odin. �
Erudite & Saturnine: Anubis. �
Sensual & Martial: Zeus. �
Sensual & Saturnine: Cernunnos. �
Martial & Saturnine: Loki. �
Erudite, Sensual & Martial: Lug. �
Erudite, Sensual & Saturnine: Coyote. �
Erudite, Martial & Saturnine: Hades. �
Sensual, Martial & Saturnine: Pan.
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 17% on erudite
You scored higher than 2% on sensual
You scored higher than 12% on martial
You scored higher than 12% on saturnine
Link: The Mythological God Test written by Nitsuki on OkCupid Free Online Dating