Random (but not really)

Thursday, September 8, 2005


For his birthday I got Michael Firefly on DVD. I’d heard good things about it, and we liked Buffy and Angel, so I figured that Michael would probably like it.

All I have to say is, I do not understand the television industry at all. We didn’t like this show—we LOVED it.

How on earth did Firefly get cancelled after only half a season? It’s FANTASTIC! I can’t gush enough, so you’ll have to imagine the fangirl squeals of excitement, and how I’m waving my hands about for emphasis.

Seriously though, I don’t get it. Why was Firefly cancelled? I love the stories, the cast is wonderful—amazing even, the premise is great. It’s one of the most believable science fiction shows I’ve ever seen. From the pilot the characters seemed solid, and their interactions were wonderful. (Alan Tudyk and Gina Torres—perfect. Gina Torres is gorgeous and kicks butt and Alan Tudyk is hilarious.)

I am beyond ready for Serenity to come out. I’ve already started watching them a second time, because I want more, but have to settle for watching them a second time. I mean, I’ve totally geeked out over this show. (Exhibit 1: My wallpaper.

So if you haven’t already seen it, I highly recommened Firefly. Now pardon me while I go stare at more pictures.

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