Wednesday, September 14, 2005
A conversation earlier this evening.
Me: So, I don’t understand.
Michael: What?
Me: When the the cloaked Romulan-Cardassian task force massed to go through the worm-hole, the station noticed something happening, even though they didn’t realize it was cloaked ships. How come they didn’t notice a hundred or so cloaked Klingon ships sneaking up on them?
Michael: Well, the Romulan ships use a singularity in their cloaking devices that allows them to be tracked… (I think there was also something about quantum distortions)
Me: So their cloaking devices are different?
Michael: Yes.
Me: Why don’t they change their cloaking devices so they can’t be caught?
Michael: Well, they’d have to redesign and retrofit…
Me: Waitasecond… If the Federation and the Klingons have a peace treaty, why does the Defiant have a Romulan cloaking device and not a Klingon one?
Michael: Well, the Klingons go through a lot of changes and their government isn’t very stable…
Me: So because the Klingon empire is so chaotic Starfleet didn’t want to deal with them?
Michael: Yes.
Me: You know what? I can’t believe we’re having this conversation.