Random (but not really)

Friday, September 16, 2005

Opinions Solicited


As you have undoubtedly noticed, in addition to Random (but not really) I keep a book blog where I post reviews of the books I read.

Mostly because it allows me to keep track of how many books I’m reading.

But that’s not the point.

The question is this: I’ve started out just writing about the books I’ve read, and talking about whether I liked them or not. And I frequently conceed that just because I hate something doens’t mean that someone else won’t like it. So in light of that philosophy, and in light of some of the book review sites I’ve been perusing, when I review a book, should I give it a score or a grade based upon how much I liked it, or should I leave things the way they are?

I can see advantages and disadvantages of both ways. Sometimes I may not be completely clear about how much I like or dislike a book, and so a grade or score may make that more clear. But on the other hand, I don’t want to discourange people from reading a book just because I disliked it, and so if I gave a book an F might someone consider that more than the points I made about why I disliked the book?

I dunno.

So please share your opinion on the subject. And if you have no opinion about this subject, feel free to share an opinion on another subject.

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