Saturday, September 17, 2005
Today’s word of the day is perfect.
execrable \EK-si-kruh-bul\ adjective
1 : deserving to be execrated : detestable
*2 : very bad : wretched
It perfectly describes last night’s movie. Though really, I think wretched fits better. As in, “yesterday evening we watched Alexander and it was wretched.”
How on earth did they manage to make a movie about Alexander the Great so bad? Especially when the acting was so good? But, no. I was bored even through the bashing with swords bits. The scenes between Alexander and Hephaistion were nice, as were the dancing girls, but beyond that?
The jumps in time really were execrable, interrupting the flow of the story, time and again. If I had to point to the single biggest problem I had with the movie, that would be it.
The accents were confusing–if they were from the same region, why did they have different accents? As he traveled, encountering different accents made sense, but why would a group of people living in Macedonia–especially a group of children who grew up together–have different accents? It just made it even harder to keep track of who was who, which was already a next-to-impossible job.
And his eyebrows. I couldn’t stop staring at his eyebrows. They were so brown. And his hair was so blonde. My disbelief kept jumping up and saying, “that’s just odd looking. Why wouldn’t they have been bleached in the sun like his hair?”
I just don’t get it. I LOVE history. And a movie where the guys run around scantily clad the whole time should have plenty of redeeming qualities. But no. I just kept asking, “is it over yet?”
So, bah. Hopefully the rest of the movies we rented will be better.