Just some random slacking…
And a note that blogging may or may not be light for the next several days.
Just some random slacking…
And a note that blogging may or may not be light for the next several days.
Robert B. Parker
So while home sick, I decided to read all the Robert B Parker Spenser books I could get my hands on. I think that would be all of them but two. Here are my thoughts (will probably continue to be updated):
Apparently England has an increasingly large parrot population. Burgeoning Budgies so to speak. (I should have resisted, shouldn’t I?)
The number of wild parrots living in England is rising at 30% per year, says an Oxford University research project.
Parks and gardens in the leafy London suburbs have been adopted as a preferred habitat by birds that are native to southern Asia.
There have been reports that there could now be 20,000 wild parrots, including parakeets, living in England, with the largest concentration around London and the South East.
I would never, never, never have guessed England to become home to wild parrots.
It makes me imagine a strange future where explorers adventure over to England, long abandoned for whatever reason, and discover it to be filled with wild parrots.
Imagine trying to explain how they evolved there.
I’ll be glad when this stinkin’ cold is GONE.
And now for some quizzy slacking. Since I’ve been working so hard, y’know.
I’m sick of being sick.
But I have, however, managed to read 16 Robert B. Parker Spenser books. So the weekend has not been a complete waste.
Right now I’m almost finished with Stardust, and hoping to rush through these books in the middle that aren’t quite as good.
Enjoy the holiday if you’re taking it.
The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies
In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
Rules for Flying the American Flag
Mr Powell donned a hard hat and stuffed a hammer in his belt for the Village People’s YMCA, a massive 1970s hit.
He was backed by five US officials, all imitating the gaily flamboyant outfits of the original band.
Nor was it the first time Mr Powell has caused a sensation at the forum.Three years ago, a skit in which he rolled around on the floor in a love duet with his then Japanese counterpart Makiko Tanaka was universally panned, and prompted harsh words from his wife Alma.
A year later, he ran a video compilation of the world and his wife, literally, begging him not to sing again.
I’m curious as to how this went over with the rest of the homophobic Bush administration.
Amendments to the U.S Constitution
I’m home sick; the only good thing about this is that I can lie on the sofa and read. I’ve finished all the Terry Pratchett books in the house, so for a change of pace I’ve moved on to Robert B. Parker’s Spenser mysteries. I’m already in Mortal Stakes.
What I have been reading is as follows:
Men at Arms, Soul Music, Interesting Times, Hogfather Terry Pratchett
Read More about Men at Arms, Soul Music, Interesting Times, Hogfather by Terry Pratchett
The Legend of Nightfall by Mickey Zucker Reichert
Read More about The Legend of Nightfall by Mickey Zucker Reichert
Happy Birthday Kathy!
Happy Canada Day!
(and happy birthday to ME!)
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