I Have Also Been Reading…
Blind Justice (1994) Bruce Alexander
A Sir John Fielding Mystery
Jeremy Proctor was orphaned at thirteen, after a mob kills his father–all under the guise of justice. Jeremy runs away to London, and it is there that he first encounters Sir John Fielding, the famous magistrate of Bow Street.
Dead Witch Walking (2004) Kim Harrison
This book had a lot to overcome. I don’t like the cover, I hate the title, and the first time I picked up this book I couldn’t get past the first ten pages. However, I kept hearing good things about it, and Michael said that he liked it, so I decided to give it another chance.
Read More about Dead Witch Walking
The Good, The Bad, and the Undead (2005) Kim Harrison
The second book finds Rachel Morgan still working with Ivy and Jenks, and struggling to make ends meet. She’s getting jobs, but they’re barely enough to cover the rent.
Read More about The Good, The Bad, and the Undead
I’m also reading (and nearly finished with) the second “Master and Commander” book, and have started “The Spectacle of Corruption” by David Liss.