Maggie's 1st Birthday

Michael and Maggie

Maggie still isn't too certain about her Uncle Michael

Grandmom's 88th Birthday

We went to Baltimore to see my grandmother before her 88th birthday.

Always prepared, we didn't have enough candles, and so decided eight would suffice.


Trip to the Newport Aquarium

Group picture!

Math's Graduation Party

Eric and Math

Eric and Math

Math's Elbow Flesh

Math and Me
Everyone in the family got tall genes but me

Christopher and Ben


Go Uncle Gary! Hurry!

Group Picture!

Grandmom and me

Jill's Birthday

jill and maggie

Jill (the Birthday girl) and Maggie

jill and maggie

Better picture of Jill and Maggie, with Bill in the background

michael and maggie

Michael and Maggie. He still hasn't dropped her!


Cute! Cute! Cute!

Trip to visit Brian

Brian, Me, Michael

Why does the flash either go off too quickly, or take entirely too long?

Brian, broken window, Michael, Me

Here's a quick lesson for the unwary: Never get into a car with my brother.
(Click on image for larger version)

Del and Kids

Del with Reanna and D

Me, Del with Reanna and D, and Michael

Susan's Visit

Susan, Michelle, Michelle, Mark

Susan and I got to have lunch with Michelle and Mark.
Mark is a little unsure of me, as I told him that I do bite.

Michael, Michelle, Susan

I love the self-timer on my camera.

Michael, Susan, Michelle

I was trying to see if the camera was centered correctly to fit everyone in the picture.
Please note that I was the one who set the timer on the camera.



We visited the National Aquarium while we were in Baltimore. I have to say that overall I like the Newport Aquarium better, but we did really enjoy the dolphin show, and the rain forest was quite nice, although we would have enjoyed that more without the screaming kids. I definitely want to see the place again when they're done with the contstruction.

Poisonous frogs!
Poisonous frogs!



Grandmom's House

All play and no work makes Jack a dull boy, right? Well, perhaps not, however we did do some work on Grandmom's house over spring break.

Bathroom light
New bathroom light

Light at the top of the stairs
Light on the stairs! Finally Aunt Chris will be happy!

light above the washer
A new (bigger) light above the washer, that's no longer on a pull chain, but on the same switch as the stair light.

light switch at the bottom of the stairs
A switch for the lights by the workbench, and eventually for the rest of the basement

lights above the workbench
New lights by the workbench!


I don't know about your family, but mine is a lot of fun.

Math's Eagle Honor Court

So... We were running late (surprise surprise) and I left my camera in the car during the ceremony. However I requested copies of the pictures Uncle Gary took.

Brian, Mom, Grandmom, Dad, Me

Maggie's Christening

Michael and Maggie

Michael doesn't freak out nearly as much as he used to when asked to hold a baby. It could be because Maggie is a very good baby.

Christmas 2005


I took a lot more pictures, but this is one of the only ones I really liked.