Fall 05
We drove to Baltimore to see my Grandmother--she turns 88 this year--and although the peak color period had passed, the drive was still very pretty. Both of these pictures were taken around the cut on 68.
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One advantage of living close to the stadium is that I can watch fireworks at the stadium from my driveway.
Learn to Park
Some people don't know how to drive in West Virginia

What I really want is a picture of me near this sign, attempting to look menacing.
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(Click on the smaller image for larger version)
(Click on the smaller image for larger version)

I got this Day lily, and am quite pleased with how it's spreading.
Hemerocallis 'Wineberry Candy'

We have a hydrangea with the most pathetic root system ever.
If we don't give it water every single day it droops nearly to the ground, and last year the thing didn't even bloom.
This year however, the gorgeous blue blooms make me willing to put up with the fuss.
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Nikko Blue'

Closeup of the hydrangea flower.
This picture is here solely so I can save it at work and use it as my wallpaper there.
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Nikko Blue'
Summer Time
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(Click on the smaller image for larger version)

I can't believe the number of flowers and buds on my Day Lilies
Hemerocallis 'Stella D'Oro'

I picked up this plant because I can't find a million bells plant anywhere this year.
It's a gorgeous shade of blue/purple.
Torenia 'Moon Series'

I had to get more catnip, since the catnip I planted last summer
was destroyed (and not by my inside cats)
Catnip Nepeta cataria L.

I planted these Violas from seed, so I'm pleased at how well they're flowering
Viola cornuta 'Johnny Jump-Up'

My Purple coneflower plants have all come back and are spreading.
This is the first flower of the year, but I expect a lot more from the number of buds I've seen.
Echinacea angustifolia

I apparently planted several Coreopsis last year, and then forgot I'd planted them.
Good thing I like them.
Coreopsis verticillata 'Zagreb'

My Shasta Daisies came back and, like the echinacea, are spreading.
Also like the echinacea, there are a ton of buds.
Leucanthemum 'Snow Cap'
The Fairest of All Months
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(Click on the smaller image for larger version)
(Click on the smaller image for larger version)


Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus)

Coral Bells (Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple')

Lemon Thyme (Thymus citriodorus variegata )
More May Flowers
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Dutch Iris (Iris hollandica)

Lemon lilies from Michael's great-grandmother's garden.
(In front of the Russian sage that is attmepting to take over.)

Lemon lily
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(Click on the smaller image for larger version)
(Click on the smaller image for larger version)

After 3 years my lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) are finally blooming!

Columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris)
May Flowers
(Click on the smaller image for larger version)

Look out! It's a Moon Beaver!
Spring Flowers


Sometimes, coming through the cut on 68, when you come out the other side, you feel as if you're at the top of the world.

Lane Ends
You've got to love the helpful Maryland Department of Highways

If you still don't get it, here's the sign, only larger. Notice that the sign appears before the lines defining the new lane begin.

And they don't do it just in one place.

If you don't believe me and want to see for yourself, these lanes and signs are on I68 westbound between Frostburg and the MD/WV state line. There is also at least one in the same area I68 Eastbound.
What more should we expect from the state that wants us to drive gently?
There's something about cold, snowy days that I absolutely love. The only thing better is a night when it has just snowed, but the sky has cleared, and there's a full moon shining down on the new snow.
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