All recent pictures are viewable at my Flickr account.
Pretty much everything here is out of date. At some point I'm going to upload all these pictures to Flickr and redirect this page directly there.
But not today.
And probably not tomorrow, either.
I have some maternal family pictures, although not many. I have more paternal family pictures, although I have many more at home than I have put on this site (lucky for you).
The Lithuanians in Baltimore.
This is an excerpt from a book found by my father's cousin Anthony Bogdan. It mentions my great-grandfather Ambrose, and was written my one of my dad's uncles.

If you run across anyone with the name Klishis, have them contact me. I know next to nothing about how that branch of the family ended up in the US, or if there are any other people with the name Klishis anywhere.