Sunday, January 10, 2010
Great Book Giveaway 2010
Yup. It’s that time again: Time to cull the bookshelves, before I lose the ability to move around the basement without toppling a pile of books.
Since I missed the book donation last year, some of these are leftover, but there is a full box of books from this year added.
Most of these books are used, however, and handful are new and unread, as on multiple occasions I pre-ordered the same book twice (damnit).
As I did last year, I’m giving away these books for free. If you want to repay me postage, (or just be nice) you can get me something from my Amazon wish list or send me a new bookmark (always needs those around here), but really, I need the space.
You want something, mention it in the comments and then e-mail me ( your address so I can send the books out.
William X. Kenzle; mystery; single series; mass market paperback
Lee Harris; mystery; single series; mass market paperback
Candice Robb; historical mystery; single series; mass market paperback/hardback
Anne Perry; historical mystery; single series; mass market paperback
Faye Kellerman; mystery; single series; mass market paperback
Various authors; historical mysteries; mass market paperback
Various authors; mystery; mass market paperback/hardback
Murder & Other Acts of Literature
Lyn Hamilton
Various authors; mystery; hardback/trade paperback
Various authors; mystery; trade paperback/mass market paperback
The Last Witchfinder
Various authors; mystery anthologies; mass market paperback
Crime Through Time (I just realized there was a Kate Ross story in it)
First Cases Volume 2
Private Eyes
Crimes & Misdemeanors
Diana L. Paxson; fantasy; various series; mass market paperback
Mercedes Lackey; fantasy; multiple series; mass market paperback/hardback
Mary Stewart; fantasy; single series; mass market paperback
Various authors; various series; fantasy; mass market paperback
Various authors; fantasy; mass market paperback
Bloody Jack
White Mists of Power
Rachel Caine; single series–first 6 books; supernatural fantasy; mass market paperback
Faith Hunter; fantasy; complete series ; mass market paperback
Janny Wurts; fantasy; complete series, mass market paperback
Various authors; fantasy; mass market paperback (books by the same author are a series)
Child of Fire
Gil’s All Fright Diner
The Court of the Air
Various authors; fantasy/supernatural fantasy; mass market paperback
Kim Stanley Robinson
Vicious Circle
Night Life
Kitty Raises Hell
Now You see Her
Better off Undead
Various authors; fantasy; anthologies, stand alone, books by the same author are a series; trade paperback/hardback
New Comic Fantasy
Manga, first in series for both
non-fiction; hardback
Cookbooks; hardback/trade paperback