Cleaning Dad's Office

Cleaning Dad's Office Cleaning Dad's Office
And so we begin. Notice the small path from the door to the desk. Notice all the bright, lunchtime sunshine outside. Things got a worse before they got better. Papers that were on the floor migrated back up to the desk, thus making us feel as if the papers were spawning as we worked. My mom claimed to have seen about twenty copies of the same paper.
Cleaning Dad's Office Cleaning Dad's Office
Did I mention that we moved out into the hallway for more space? You can see that we finally started to make way. My job was the filing system--creating it from scratch. You can also see the sky darkening for the approaching storm.
Cleaning Dad's Office
At last! We reach the surface of the desk! Success! Notice, however, that it is pitch black outside. We left at about 10:30pm.