Random (but not really)

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Vacation: JPL!

Carol Elaine generously offered to give us a tour of JPL. (Sadly, it was a holiday of some sort, so I was unable to purchase post cards. You can’t imagine how much pain this caused me.)

I only had my cell phone, so most of my pictures were shit, but here are a few nice ones.

Here’s my favorite thing!

This was a light show that showed you the communication between different satellites and ground control. It was a brilliant way to show the flow of information.


The lights going down the strand represent data coming from a satellite. The lights going up the strands represent data going to the satellite.


Some satellites have very little data transmission right now.


It was a genius learning tool, but also very pretty to watch.


The text that’s hard to read says:
The Habitable Zone: 00001
Confirmed: 01743
Candidates: 03276



This absolutely delighted me, though I have fears it was a set up, and not just the result of some random argument.


Take THAT Neil deGrasse Tyson!


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