Random (but not really)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Regarding Depression

I was just thinking that it’s probably just as important to write about the good days as it is the bad, so here’s the update on my depression: The vacation did wonders for me. I’ve been in a great mood for two weeks now. I’m relaxed and calm and the little niggling details that were pushing me over the edge a month ago are being taken in stride.

Of course my grandmother is still visiting my aunt, so in addition to being relaxed, I’m also not worried about her right now, which is helping to keep my stress levels low. I’m hoping that by the time she comes back from her visit to fawn over the new cousins I’ll have stabilized my mood even further, and be better able to deal with the day to day stresses.

And I have also finally admitted that her living with us does cause me some stress. Pretending that the addition of a third person into our small house was not stressful was stupid and foolish on my part, because if I am unwilling to admit to the stress, then there’s not way in the hell I can actually DEAL with the stress. So there it is. Being stressed doesn’t mean I mean I love her less or want her to move out. It just means I’m stressed and need to find healthy ways to cope.
Additionally, I’ve finally given up on the Rec Center, and we went today to join HealthWorks. If I can’t get out of bed to go to the Rec in the morning, then I won’t got to the gym that day, because it’s not worth going to the Rec in the afternoon. But we can go the HealthWorks immediately after work, so I can start exercising again, which should also positively influence my mood.

So there is plenty that’s good in my life. My OCD still sometimes feels like it wants to slip out of control, but my anxiety and depression are very low right, which is a very good thing. And recognizing that this is a pretty important thing to note.

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