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Sunday, October 28, 2007
Here’s One I Don’t Have
According to this fun and exciting quiz, I don’t have asperger’s or autism. Yippee!
It looks like what tendencies I do have seem strongly related to my ODC. So that’s all good.
Pretty interesting, and also good to know that I’m at least a little normal. Of course, I wasn’t overly impressed by the quiz. There were several questions that were poorly worded, confusing, or misleading, and I’m not sure that–according to the pdf results–I’m very impressed with how the results were calculated. It looked like you were given a total score, upon which your results were determined, but in some categories the typical aspie score was 0 while the typical neuro-typical score was higher. But that could just be me, or I could be misinterpreting their results.
(via Whatever)