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Wednesday, January 14, 2004
Back to Your Regularly Scheduled Babbling
So, it looks like I may have things worked out, and MT may now be fully functional.
From as best we can figure, it looks like when I was having server problems in November, my Movable Type files became corrupted, and this snowballed until the entire thing broke completely in December.
I still have all the old posts, but they are no longer linked directly to MT–in essence they are just regular web pages and are no longer dynamic MT pages. Mostly this will not matter in the slightest, unless I want to go back and search for something I posted previously. The good thing is that I have saved the old structure, so any previous permalinks will still work, I just can not search old posts, or easily make changes to them.
Could be a lot worse.
Good news from all this, however, is that I have moved to a new webhost, which more responsive customer support, and I have to say that the web interface is a LOT better. I can delete, move and rename files and folders from a web based control panel, which is pretty fantastic since to delete folders using my FTP program, I must first delete all the files in the folder–and all the sub folders and the files in those sub folders… I’m sure you can see how this would get tedious quickly. So, it was a good move, and at least this happened over the break, and things are mostly fixed–before classes get into full swing.
Did I learn any lessons from this?