Sunday, September 21, 2008
Web Hosts
Many of you have noted that my site has been slow, non-responsive, or down in recent months.
I contacted customer support and received the following response:
Thank you for contacting Support.
I have checked the issue and verified your websites,, and observed that sites are loading just fine now. There are a number of reasons for this. The sites that are heavily MySQL load from our MySQL pools. In general, the MySQL pools load pages quickly, but on shared hosting, you do encounter situations where another sites poor CGI or exploited CGI can cause the server pool to operate under heavy load. In general, our limits help to prevent any single user (or users) from harming a pool, but it can happen, especially with the preponderance of hackers and exploitable CGI scripts.
We’re making CGI improvements every day, and hope to continue to improve the infrastructure, but there will be times when the site may be slow. This is the nature of shared hosting, unfortunately, though we’re working on making things more reliable.
If you have any further questions, please update the Support Console.
Lenard Kenward
Technical Specialist
I’m not particularly pleased with this response, but not sure if my displeasure is warranted or not.
ADDENDUM the First:
I got a database error when I went back to change the wording of the first sentence.