Random (but not really)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Finally, We’re Not the Worst

West Virginia is in a fiscally sound position to weather the Wall Street storm, said Gov. Joe Manchin.

“Our revenues are still exceeding our projections, which is strong in a volatile market,” the governor said Monday. “Like every other state, we won’t escape financial losses from this shakeout. But we’re in good shape to handle it.”

Here’s a quote I found particularly interesting:

“(Manchin) also noted that West Virginia’s banking laws are stricter than the rest of the nation. The state’s only bank failure during the crisis — Ameribank of Welch — was a result of lingering problems in that area from years ago, Manchin said.”

That lingering problem was embezzlement from the First National Bank of Keystone.

See also:
Manchin says his administration’s efforts to pay off nearly $1 billion in debt and the accumulation of $568 million in a rainy day fund have put the state in a good position.
Governor Manchin states, “There’s an old proverb that says it’s better to be careful a hundred times than be killed once.”

As much as I don’t care for Manchin and some of the things he’s tried to do (“Open for Business” anyone?) he has done some things very right. And contributing to the rainy day fun and getting the economy so we’re better off than other states is pretty impressive.

And it’s nice to know that as a state employee, it doesn’t look like job cuts are in the state’s future.

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