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Sunday, February 6, 2005
I read this story with wonder and awe. Not because of the amazing medical technology necessary to cure the condition, but because it’s a folktale come to life. Mermaids–one of the wonders of the ancient seas. Looking at that picture I have to wonder if I’m looking at the source of those tales.
Of course the implication for those involved when the first baby was born were probably not very good. A superstitious people would see not a medical flaw, but a sign. A punishment from the gods, perhaps. Or more likely a sign that the mother, despite denials, had been unfaithful, and with some sort of sea creature no less.
Reading the story I feel as if I’ve found the tiny nugget of truth in the story. The truth that may be embedded in every folk tale.
From such a birth the tale would expand. Each storyteller would elaborate a little more, until the original story was unrecognizable. And then tales would branch off from there, until we end up with Hans Christian Andersen.
However, before you laugh at our superstitious ancestors, and take pride in how much science and education have allowed us to progress. Take a quick look at Snopes and ask yourself if we’re really that different.