Friday, May 27, 2005
Just got back from ‘Revenge of the Sith’.
I really tried to go in without any expectations, that way I wouldn’t be disappointed.
So now I don’t know what I am.
I guess I really wanted to recapture the feeling I had when I was 8 and Star Wars first came out. The feeling that I had just seen the Best Thing Ever.
Not that this movie was all bad. I really liked the Wookies. I liked seeing Chewbacca, and Yoda was, of course, cool. But I kept being bothered by things. Like, why was it windy when the Emperor’s tower windows were broken, but perfectly calm on Padme’s balcony? Why did gravity stop working on the General Grevious’s big ship–before it seemed to go back into the atmosphere? How the hell did those big ships ever leave a planet’s gravity? Why was Yoda the only one who recognized what was happening?
I think I need to wait a month or so and then watch ‘Star Wars’. Maybe then I’ll recover some of the excitment I had when I first saw ‘Star Wars’.