Left the House! Got On a Train! Went West!
We finally made it to the Grand Canyon! (If you’re friends with me, it’s quite possible you already know this because I sent approximately a million post cards.)
I love taking the train. I relaxed and read for two days to Arizona and two days back east.
Once we got to the park, we saw there were lots of people there, even though it was mid February; I can’t imagine what it’s like there at the height of tourist season. I imagine I would have not enjoyed myself anywhere near as much.
Something I’ve noticed before is that I really don’t love the mountains in the west. I finally figured out why: a lot of the landscape there looks to me like areas of West Virginia after strip mining and mountain top removal–bare rock with maybe a single species of trees. I eventually recognized what was bothering me, and it helped a bit to acknowledge this was natural and not human destruction, but I do prefer my worn-down, lived-in Appalachians.
In Grand Canyon National Park, we hiked about a mile and a half down the Hermit’s Trail, but never went further in/down. I think I’d like to take a mule down and up, but maybe not hike the whole way. Coming out felt like the hardest mile and a half we’ve ever done, and we weren’t pushing ourselves.
But it was an amazing hike and view.
But I think my favorite things in the park were Hermit’s Rest …
… and the Desert View Watchtower …
… which were designed by Mary Colter in 1914 and 1932.
In the tower I loved how the small windows forced you to focus on one part of the landscape, instead of trying to take in everything.
Since we had a week, we took some time and visited Walnut Canyon National Monument …
… Glen Allen Dam, Horseshoe Bend, Lee Canyon, Wupatki National Monument …
… and Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument
Sunset Crater Volcano was fascinating, and I kept wondering how much of what we were seeing was “normal” and how much was from the 2022 Tunnel fire.
Regardless, it was all fascinating.