Although I uploaded a ton of pictures to iNaturalist, trying ID the various flowers, trees, and shrubs, I also saw a variety of more mobile creatures. (And also uploaded them to iNaturalist)
I mean, look how adorable!!!!
Long-claw Hermit Crab Pagurus longicarpus
Common Eider Somateria mollissima
Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle
Harbor Seal Phoca vitulina
Common Loon Gavia immer (with chicks!)
Green Frog Lithobates clamitans (hiding in a tamarack)
American Bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus
Once again I was desperately wishing for a good zoom lens when I was trying t get good pictures of these creatures whose details I couldn’t make out with the naked eye. But I don’t think I did too bad with what I had.
Since we were in the area for several days, we had lots of time to explore Acadia, which was nice, since it let us explore instead of having to hit all the highlights before we ran out of time.
Were the places I wanted to hike we didn’t? Definitely. But that’s true for just about every place except Coopers Rock SF.
The first thing we did was (of course) take a scenic drive of the area. I got one of the driving guide books at the visitor center, and we used that to guide us.
We also did a short-ish hike on the Gorham Mountain trail.
We also accidentally hiked up to Bubble Rock.
How do you accidentally hike up to a ridge line? Failing to look at the map and a stubborn refusal to turn around are the answer.
Of course I best liked (wait for it!) the rocky shores.
The next day we did the drive up Cadillac Mountain.
The view was amazing, but there was very little shade, so it was not my favorite spot of the visit.
The drive on Schoodic Point was gorgeous.
We also did some walking on the Carriage roads, which were fascinating in and of themselves, nevermind the scenery
I spent a lot of time walking on and scrambling around the rocky shore. (I may or may not have been singing Birdhouse in your Soul while doing so.)
Yeah, that’s a nice view and all.
Also, I listened to the ocean a bit.
But really, it was mostly the rocks.
There’s a picture opposite me
Of my primitive ancestry
Which stood on rocky shores
And kept the beaches shipwreck-free
Though I respect that a lot
I’d be fired if that were my job
After killing Jason off
And countless screaming Argonauts