WWA: Day after Edition
Today’s word is: relief
Today’s word is: relief
Today and tomorrow are the Days of the Dead, a time for remembering those who have died.
I’ve lost quite a few loved ones in the past couple years, so I’m going to take these two days to remember funny stories, and I offer this place to gather to remember your own loved ones who have died in recent years.
The easiest funny stories for me are those of Grandmom. She had no qualms about being silly and ridiculous, which is something I try to remember–what is dignity worth when you could instead be making someone laugh?
Here’s a Grandmom story, that seems good for today.
When her older sister, Sophie, died, she helped her nephew deal with the arrangements and went to the funeral home with him.
We’d arrived at her house while she was still out with her nephew, and when she came in, she was laughing at herself–apparently, many things she thought ridiculous had transpired, and they were coming home, she thought to herself, “I can’t wait to call Sophie and tell her this!” She then realized what a ridiculous thought that was and couldn’t help but laugh at herself.
I think that’s the best lesson for me to remember–if you try really hard, you can almost always find something to laugh at.
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