NOTE: When the story first started to evolve in my mind, the angels were sitting on clouds. But I wanted them to be further back, which is when the bit about the stars came to me. The title was the last thing I wrote.
We humans see stars as things way up out in space, objects far far away from where we are.
But there’s another way of seeing the stars, a way that we yet lack the ability to see. If you could see the stars that way, they’d be more like nails in the sky from which you could hang things like swings if you wanted.
And if there were swings hanging from the stars, then there might be a being sitting in a swing.
Perhaps even two beings, swinging and having a conversation.
“I kinda miss the old days, back when we had fiery swords and such,” the first being said.
“You just liked the fact they all walked around naked,” the second being replied.
The first being shrugged, “That’s true as well. I sometimes wonder why we didn’t get gender. You look at the planet, and most everything down there has gender.”
“Bacteria don’t. Viruses don’t. Amoeba don’t”
“You’re not helping,” said the first being. “You’re just making my point. Only lower creatures got made without gender! What does that say about us?”
“Why do you insist they’re lower creatures?” the second being asked.
“Because they evolved first!” The first being was starting to get indignant. The swing started moving faster.
“But there are many more bacteria and amoeba and genderless creatures than there are gendered beings. Sexual breeding has advantages and disadvantages. We were made without gender, humans evolved with gender.”
“Even a plague of locusts has gender,” muttered the first being.
“The Maker doesn’t have gender,” pointed out the second being. “So we are more like the Maker in that way than the humans.”
“Yet the humans insist on giving the Maker a gender! And even worse, they insist that the Maker is male! Why would the creator of all things that gave birth to the world be male?” the first being shifted back to being indignant.
“Well, if the humans who call themselves Christian thought the Maker was female, that would make her a lesbian, right? Didn’t I read that the Christians had something against lesbians?”
“That’s ALSO stupid!,” the first being was starting to get irate. The swing started moving higher and faster. It was quite possible that if the first being continued to get upset, the swing would eventually rotate completely around the star. “Why would the Maker create a creature and not allow it to be itself?”
“No one ever claimed humans were smart,” said the second being. “Or even rational.”
“You can say THAT again!” said the first being.
“But then it’s not as if humans have the corner on irrationality.”
The first being looked at the second suspiciously, “what specifically are you thinking of?”
“Well, there’s the platypus.”
“Oh the platypus,” the first being said dismissively. “Why does everyone pick on the platypus?”
“What about the ostrich? Or the sea cucumber?”
“They’re different,” the first being said, “that’s not the same as irrational.”
The first being stopped staring angrily into space and turned to look at the second. “Dinosaurs? How so?”
“You think it’s rational that dinosaurs were allowed to evolve to become masters of the Earth and were then completely wiped out?”
“It’s not like they did anything to deserve it,” the second being said.
“Well… If the dinosaurs had lived, the humans would never have evolved,”
“And that’s fair to the dinosaurs how?”
“My point is that the world isn’t rational. Isn’t very fair either. But on the bright side, we got free will.”
“Thank you. Now stop swinging so fast, you’re making me sick.”