Random (but not really)

Monday, December 1, 2008


I have to admit, that is the perfect name for a phone for me.

So I got it! New phone! So excited!

Funny thing was the guy asked how long I’d had my old phone, because he’d never seen a phone look that good after two years. Which is fine, because as soon as I’m sure everything is good, I’m going to donate it. IIRC there was a group collecting phones for soldiers in Walter Reed. Hopefully I can find that.

So here’s the new phone! If the picture isn’t clear, it’s purple.


I’m holding it in my hand to give you a sense of size, however, be aware that I have small hands. If this phone were in my brother’s hands, it’d probably fit in his palm.


And here’s the slide out keyboard, which was the most comfortable of any of the keyboards I played with.

Look out Nathan! No more T9 txting! (happy dance)

I’ve already got my e-mail set up too!

And I have yet to open the manual! (HA!)

ADDENDUM the First:
Found it. Cell phones for soldiers. I’ve got extra batteries and about four chargers, since every phone I had until now used the same charger.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Cell Phone Ahoy

When Michael got his new cell phone (an Instinct) in August, and we changed our cell phone plan to allow texting and data, I was insanely jealous and wanted a new phone. But alas, but I have to wait until December 1st, lest I pay a zillion dollars instead of pennies for a new phone. (The contact isn’t an issue–there are five of us on the bill–we won’t be changing any time soon.)

I originally thought I wanted a cell phone/PDA. Was sure of it. Knew the phone I wanted to get.

But as the day for getting a new phone grew closer, I started looking at phones in anticipation. And discovered that maybe I didn’t really want a PDA phone. They seemed awfully expensive and bulky for something I keep in my pants pocket.

But there were still some expensive phones on my list that I thought were my top contenders.

Then when we went out to eat yesterday, we stopped by Best Buy, just to peruse what was there. (Black Friday isn’t a big deal with you 1) go late and 2) aren’t planning on buying anything. I discovered that they had the phones I was considering out on display. And once I laid my paws on those little keypads, my top choices plummeted, and the Blackberry, which was on the list as a back-up, fell off entirely (don’t like the keypad–I’m a terrible typist as it is).

The expensive PDA/cell phone I thought I loved had a really flimsy feeling keypad sliding mechanism, and I disliked the layout of the keypad. And the flip phone that had jumped to the top because it had a full alphabet keypad? Unpleasant to type on. Suddenly the phone that was being considered as a backup leaped to the top of the list. I loved the full keypad and the way it typed and the way the letters were separated. It did everything I wanted, and even though it had a slightly smaller screen, I decided it wasn’t that much smaller, since it’s not like I can surf the web easily even on Michael’s phone.

The only drawback is it can’t be used as a modem, which Michael’s phone can’t do either.

But the best part? It’ll cost me about $20 versus $299 if I wait until next week to upgrade.

So it looks like I’ll be getting a Rant, which seems fitting on so very many levels.

Two days!

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