
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Baked Fresh

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Baked Fresh (2015) Annabeth Albert

Baked FreshVic Degrassi is a baker with plans for the future–and he’s a man who does what he sets out to. After losing his job, he went to culinary school. After losing his cousin and best friend, he got surgery and lost 111 pounds and became fit. His next goal: a boyfriend.

I just wanted to get out there. Give myself a chance to maybe meet a nice guy who wouldn’t care about my food issues and my loose skin and my bald-by-choice look.

And he really wants Robin Dawson, who also volunteers at the shelter and had worked hard to keep his own promise of sobriety.

Vic has crushed on Robin for years, but Robin is young and beautiful–and on the rebound–so Vic feels he doesn’t really have a chance, but decides to try anyway.

The entire story is from Vic’s point of view, which means we see his issues and hang-ups, and his slow realization that Robin has his own past to sort through. Vic is focused on his body and the parts of his makeover that he didn’t expect, so he doesn’t quite see how gorgeous Robin might not feel perfect himself, and have his own fears and weaknesses.

It’s really a lovely story.

“You are here for reason— you’re here for you.”

Publisher: Lyrical Press
Rating: 7/10


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