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Archive for 'Graphic Novels'

The Sandman Vol 4: Season of Mists

The Sandman Vol 4: Season of Mists (1991) Neil Gaiman Season of Mists is the story of Dream’s journey to Hell to free Nada, after he is confronted by the fact that he unjustly sent her there ten thousand years before. All the stories in Seasons of Mists are part of a single tale, of […]

The Sandman Vol 3: Dream Country

The Sandman Vol 3: Dream Country (1990) Neil Gaiman Dream Country is the third book in the Sandman series. In this collection of short stories, Dream is peripheral character for the most part, though in “Facade” Death appears instead. I’m particularly fond of “A Dream of a Thousand Cats.” We have two cats, and I’m […]

The Sandman Vol 2: The Doll’s House

The Sandman Vol 2: The Doll’s House (1990) Neil Gaiman There is a vortex in the Dreaming, that Dream must control before it destroys the Dreaming. He must also find four of the major arcana that have wandered from the Dreaming: Brute and Glob, the Corinthian, and Fiddler’s Green. Meanwhile, Rose Walker searches for her […]

The Sandman Vol 1: Preludes and Nocturnes

The Sandman Vol 1: Preludes and Nocturnes (1989) Neil Gaiman The first volume in the Sandman series, Preludes and Nocturnes tells of Dreams capture by Roderick Burgess, his eventual escape, and his recovery of his bag of sand, his mask, and his ruby. This collection especially makes me feel as if there’s stuff I’m missing, […]

Fables Vol 3: Storybook Love

Fables Vol 3: Storybook Love (2004) Bill Willingham So apparently I lied. I must pay at least some attention to the artwork in graphic novels, because I really hate the way that Bigby looks in the middle stories here. The way he looks as a wolf is great. I quite like it. But as a […]

Fables Vol 2: Animal Farm

Fables Vol 2: Animal Farm (2003) Bill Willingham Fables who can’t pass as human live on “The Farm”, where they are hidden from the mundanes. Every year Snow White, the assistant mayor of Fabletown, visits “The Farm” to see how things are going. This year she takes her sister, Rose Red, partially as part of […]

Fables Vol. 1: Legends in Exile

Fables Vol. 1: Legends in Exile (2002) Bill Willingham I’m reminded of what I said when I started reading Sandman–I wonder if comic books are wasted on me. I don’t stop to look at the art work, I want to read the story and I want to know what happens RIGHT NOW. I’m an impatient […]

The Books of Magic

The Books of Magic John Ney Rieber The Books of Magic: Bindings (1) The Books of Magic: Summonings (2) The Books of Magic: Reckonings (3) The Books of Magic: Transformations (4) The Books of Magic: Girl in the Box (5) The Books of Magic: The Burning Girl (6) The Books of Magic: Death after Death […]