
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Kitty’s Big Trouble

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Kitty’s Big Trouble (2011) Carrie Vaughn

Kitty’s latest interest is finding historical figures that may have been supernatural creatures. Someone sends her some indirect evidence that General Sherman may have been a were, but Kitty’s attempts to have his body exhumed and tested are adamantly denied (and rightfully so). Then she comes across a story that Wyatt Earp might have been a vampire hunter and heads out to see if she can find any evidence of this.

While looking for trace of vampires, Kitty gets a call from the vampire Anastasia that Roman is in San Francisco attempting to get his hands on a powerful artifact, and can Kitty please come help?

Couple things about this story. First, despite Cormac’s possession by the ghost Amelia and new abilities to do magic, I’m having a hard time believing that his parole officer is lax enough to let him go gallivanting across the country. I really liked the fact that Cormac had to serve time, but I don’t much care for the brushing off of his parole this way.

Several reviewers don’t seem to care for this story for some of the reasons I enjoyed it. I liked the delving into history, and I really liked the gods that get involved in San Francisco. Of course, I’m a huge fan of folklore and mythology, and Chinese mythology is largely an untapped resource in supernatural fiction, so this was a nice change.

I also liked Cormac having to truly deal with Ben’s turning. He may have dealt with it on an intellectual level, but actually seeing his cousin change is something very different. Of course, I also have to wonder how much Amelia has to do with things.

I can’t say this is one of my favorite books in the series, but I did enjoy it, and continue to look forward to further books in the series.
Rating: 7/10

Published by Tor


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