Sunday, June 30, 2013
Local Wanderings: Mon River Rail Trail
Yesterday continued the week’s weather of thunderstorms punctuated by periods of gorgeous sunshine, so we decided just to take our bikes out on the Rail Trail.
We biked from the park in Star City to Hildebrand Lock, stopping off at Mt St Brewing Company for lunch, and at Wamsley Cycles to get our bikes checked over, and to get a kick stand mounted on my bike.
The kick stand seemed a better solution than having Michael hold my bike every time I dismounted to go take a picture.
It was a gorgeous day, and we had a lovely ride.
Although I have three walking sticks, I’m considering getting one that collapses even smaller than the ones I have, that I can strap onto my bike. I wanted to get further off the trail to get a closer look at some of the water runoff areas (water falls when it’s been raining) but don’t trust my ankle enough without a stick.
And I think I just talked myself into it. :)
And if anyone is interested, this is the case I got for carrying my camera while biking. I chose a handlebar case, because it seemed the most protected if I took a spill.