Random (but not really)

Sunday, August 6, 2006

Almost Back to Normal

I think by next week I should be far closer to back to normal–just in time for school to start.

We really had a wonderful time while my grandmother was here. We played lots of Oh Hell (the variant we play involves starting at ten, going down to one, and going back up to ten) and Yahtzee. but more importantly, we got another convert to Firefly. (She kept saying, “I can’t believe I missed this! All those other no good programs on, and I could have been watching this!”

She’s not likely to go out and make a lot of Firefly converts, but still…

She also read lots of books, and took a bag of books back with her. She loved Sarah Zettel‘s Camelot series, and also enjoyed His Majesty’s Dragon, which is something she never would have picked up for herself, but I thought was right up her alley.

I also discovered that she likes to read science fiction, and at some point read all the science fiction my Dad had (Mostly Asimov apparently). So Michael sent some science fiction back with her. Funny it took me this long to discover that.

But mostly we just had a really good time, and I enjoyed her visit. Plus, we managed to avoid going t the book store while she was here, which was an added financial bonus. And it’s not like I really need more book.

I just always WANT more books.

The deck/parking area still isn’t done. I’m trying not to be bitter about the whole thing, but I had really wanted it completed while she was here.

And really, I now realize why I haven’t posted anything all summer other than book reviews, but that’s pretty much it. No vacations (vacations are expensive; that’s money that could be better spent on the house. And more books.) No amusing anecdotes. It’s been too hot for much flower pr0n. And the news isn’t fit to comment on–or even contemplate.

So I’ve been very boring. I’ll try and do better in the coming weeks.

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