Random (but not really)

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Risk of Cesarean Birth

Here’s a headline from CNN.

Caesarean birth triples maternal death risk

Researchers, led by Catherine Deneux-Tharaux of the Maternite Hopital Tenon in Paris, looked at 65 maternal deaths recorded in the French National Perinatal Survey from 1996 to 2000.

All of the deaths followed births of a single child and were not due to conditions existing prior to delivery. The women had also not been hospitalized during pregnancy.

Now, the problem I have with this is Cesarean deliveries tend to be performed on women with high risk pregnancies, or women who have problems during their pregnancy. Although they they ruled out preexisting conditions, the article doesn’t mention whether these Cesareans were elective or as a result complications during delivery.

So essential this article tells me nothing. Bah!

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