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Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Busy Busy Busy
I’m running to work, then coming home to get Kat to take him to the Vet to get a scrape/bare spot on his side looked at.
On the bright side, I’m wearing jeans and a long-sleeved t-shirt, since I’ll be covered with fur by the time I’m done at the Vet.
Feel free to entertain yourselves while I’m out: Take a poll, eat some chocolate, drink some of Michael’s beer, whatever.
And those of you who read here regularly but don’t comment? This is your formal invitation to have a virtual beer and tell me how things are going with you.
ADDENDUM the First:
Kat is 11.8 pounds, which is into the range for Maine Coons. He is not, however, overweight.
He got some sort of scrape, that he’s managed to irritate by licking it constantly, so we get to put ointment on it twice a day for the text three weeks, so it will heal.
Did I mention that he’s 11.8 pounds of muscle? And one of his nicknames is Mister Pissy?
This will be fun.