Saturday, June 27, 2009
Once More
So… another doctor’s appointment, another medication.
The depression has been okay recently, but the OCD and anxiety not to much. And I’ve been terribly achey for the past month or so, which is not doing much for the anxiety and my ability to relax. SSRIs give me TMJ, but right now all my muscles are tense and unable to relax, which is uncomfortable and unhelpful.
Work has been crushingly busy, and although aspects of it are frustrating, I do really enjoy what I do. My only problem is that although I am good at being a people person, it’s very difficult for me. And exhausting. Especially when dealing with unhappy or frustrated people. And I got a fair amount of those this week. So I’ve been exhausted by the time I get home. Not depressed per se–not really–but unable to do little more than collapse on the sofa when I get home.
But on the bright side, I’m getting lots of exercise, and exercise is good for my depression!
So that’s where I am. Tapering off one med and onto another. We’ll see how this one goes.
Keep your fingers crossed for me.